Genius Solutions
Genius is the courage to face simplicity, to use what is needed for result, to let go of being enslaved by irrelevant details.
Genius knows that what others think may be unconnected to what they appear to think, and unrelated to what they say they think. A Genius has the courage to notice that “thinking” is in itself a very incomplete invention.
A person addicted to legal or illegal drugs may say “You cannot understand how bad my problem feels” when what they may be actually thinking is “I like to irritate people by creating negative language and vampirize their energy when I fool them.”
Genius knows that when others play a “secrets” game, that you can “Just say Know.” The secret is that memory and creativity is holographic, and there are no barriers
Genius is the state where the Superconscious, Conscious, Preconscios, and Instinctive minds all allow each other to notice that all are equally important to the creative process. When these four levels of Mind act in harmony, there is a moment of Genius, a “Near Life Experience.” This is similar in usefulness and quality to a “Near Death Experience”, without physical danger being necessary to induce the Waking Shock.
By learning to allow yourself to cut through to the simplicity, you become a vital and creative part of a World in Transformation.