Life Vision
Create a dynamic life according to you true purpose, now.
At the time of union, the body has physical goals, and the Essential Self has spiritual goals and our Earth has evolutionary goals. Restoring these factors into harmony with each other invites abundance, self certainty, and a harmonious relationship to all life.
With a Life Vision consultation you create your dream ... and step into it!
Endlessness of Deep Instinctive Mind expressing delightfully dangerously…
We all have experienced major bursts of creativity in this and many previous lives. These abilities can be accessed far more powerfully, stably, honestly and incomprehensibly than you know. Be released from the so popular painful motivation strategies that traditionally have been used as a substitute for creative tension!
Through Creativity consultations awaken your Kundalini in uncontrollable delight!
Soul Recovery and Integration
Regain your lost emotional and mental abilities. Return to wholeness and effectiveness.
People habitually leave soulparts back in old traumatic incidents, swap them as co-dependent “love”, or just not even fully incarnate in the first place. What would happen if all that you are as a Divine Spirit were to fully incarnate, integrate, and create here, now?
With Soul Recovery and Holographic Timeline Clearing attain presence in the present!
Implant Clearing
Release energy blocks and imprints designed to prevent you from reaching full potential…
Human bodies are loaded with genetic implants, behavioural memes which are the impact of condensed negative thoughts of society, and negative group mind habits, designed to prevent "unauthorized" awakening. This serves the function of keeping most people principally experiencing life as slavery to mass belief systems.
Through Implant Clearing, break the chains, just say "no" to implants! Just say “Life!”
Deep Shadow Transformation
Transmuting fear into empowerment. Utilizing opposition as inspiration...
Deep within the unconscious lurks the nemesis to one's passionate course of action in the world. These demonic forms hide in illusions under the guise of "protection", and must be mastered to earn the right to harness the powers of the universe according to your Will. Your fear is a beautiful resourceful energy, impeded by other's labels.
In Deep Shadow Transformation, release trapped abuse from your bodymind, reclaim your Self Authority to feel and be as you Will!
Personality Integration
Resolve personality conflicts, increasing harmony and self certainty…
Have you ever decided to do something, and "changed your mind" and done something else"? Have you said "I'd like to do this but maybe I'll do that?" The second idea, the other voice, is a different personality part! You wouldn't by any chance have replayed your mother's voice in your head? Each of these has some wisdom when set free.
Through Personality Integration fly with the deep mysterious joy of a unified unconscious mind!
Body Consciousness Initiation
Raise body consciousness. Awaken new abilities and energy states…
Body Consciousness Initiations work with 16 evolutionary bands of light resonating body with Higher Self. Your body consciousness learns stable access to energy states and regenerative ability. Emotional impacts become naturally processed by the body, as easily as digesting food, allowing you to remain in the now.
When your body understands the nature of Time, shadows of the past explode into freedom!
Family Karma
Release heavy burdens from past generations. Create future resources...
It has been said the "sins of the fathers pass on to the children for seven generations." That is not a command, it is an observation of bad habit. Stop it! Many diseases, intellectual restrictions, and chronic attraction to pain and failure are patterns coded across many generations. When one family member chooses to wake up and heal, the whole system begins mysteriously to change.
Heal Family Karma now. Claim your birthright!
Click here to register for a private audience with Rowland Barkley
Private Holographic Healing and Archetype Mediation sessions with the consciousness designer
Most clients report major blocks to personal power blasted away in one up to three sessions. Often this is a completion of issues that have not resolved after wasting years and great expense with inefficient therapies. For those who can take so much personal change at once, this is the most cost-effective approach to personal empowerment ever.
1 session € 350
3 sessions € 900
Rowland barkley - master shaman
Invites you to come home...
Exploring the depths of your own perfection....
By Deborah
Through his totally unique Holographic Shamanism techniques, Rowland invites you on a journey home to meet your authentic explore your own divinity and humanity simultaneously. The door you choose to begin the search for your perfection is your choice...current struggles, life challenges, everyday dramas that are getting in your way. Only you can decide to turn dramas into dreams come true.
What is your dream and how is it manifesting in your life? Are there obstacles that are preventing you from manifesting it now? Have you claimed your divine birthright of joy and fulfillment? Rowland invites you to journey into the labyrinth of thoughts, emotions and beliefs that stand guard at the door to your true freedom. He works skillfully with sophisticated techniques to dispel the myths that are creating your present reality of struggle and challenge. He is a master at helping you access your own innate perfection so that it may be used to create success in all aspects of your life. The choice is carry the struggle one more moment or to let go of all resistence. Letting go can be as simple as dusting off clouds of self-doubt with a feather or as powerful as a lightning bolt of self-realization.
Have you ever felt like you were going in a million directions at once and going nowhere at the same time? Is there chaos, confusion or conflict in areas of your life? All parts of you are perfect...they just may not be speaking to each other...or not speaking the same language. Rowland brings these separated selves together and negotiates the most honoring living arrangement within your being. This results in harmony and growth...particularly in relationships. As chaos and conflict leave, he invites the power of your perfection to come home.
Rowland also acknowledges the sovereignty of your soul by gazing deeply into your eyes. In so doing, he identifies the true light you carry within. He gently and lovingly invites it to return to its rightful place of honor. The soul is truly seen and urged to share its unique mission. Your essence has the opportunity to shine at last. You feel renewed and revitalized. Your mind, body and spirit join together in a divine dance.
As you lighten the load of beliefs that no longer serve you, your life will unfold in new and magical paths. Your resonance make new choices. Your friends and family will notice that you are somehow different. They may have a difficult time describing your process, but they sense the profound gifts that are unfolding in your life. If they are curious, invite them to join you on the journey to celebrate wholeness. Together, you will create a significantly higher group resonance and an important source of support for each other's transformation.
Everyone who has the courage to live their life purpose and dreams acts as proxy for the world. This work is a gift of peace and joy to yourself, your loved ones and your planet. Your life is precious...make the quantum shift to freedom and unlimited power. Be committed to your own growth. Take responsibility for the choices you make in life. Take your own personal journey now and give your spirit permission to soar!!!
Click here to register for a powerful private audience with Rowland Barkley
Deborah Rebolledo
Holistic Healer/Sacred Travel
New York City, March 1997